Pratapgad Makes History

Adilshah Perturbed : The Court of Adilshah at Bijapur was passing anxious days , due to the growing exploits of Shivaji . The Sultan summoned all his Sardars to court to take stock of the situation . All the Sardars including those known for their exploits and those comparatively unknown attended . Badi Saheba , the Dowager Queen , who personally looked after the Adilshahi administration from Bijapur was also present . The one question before the assembly was " How to bring Shivaji to book and break his revolt . " Badi Saheba asked a straight question to her Sardars , " Tell me , who is willing to march against Shivaji and put an end to his rebellion ? " The court became silent . Everybody sat quietly in his place and started looking at the next person , for who would dare accept the challenge of fighting Shivaji ? Just then a giant of a man came forward and bowed respectfully before the throne . His name was Afzalkhan .

The Khan accepts the Challenge : The Khan accepted the challenge and picked up the betel leaf from the salver as a mark of acceptance . " Shivaji . Who is Shivaji ? " he said , " I shall arrest him and bring him here or if that is not possible , I shall bring his dead body . " Afzalkhan was one of the mighty Sardars at the court of Bijapur . His physical prowess and strength were unbelievable . He could bend a crowbar with his bare hands . He was a past master in achieving his end by any available means . This Afzalkhan had accepted the challenge of bringing 46 Shivaji to court , dead or alive . The court was highly pleased . Everybody thought that it was the end of Shivaji and that he would be brought to Bijapur either alive or dead . Afzalkhan left Bijapur in great pomp . He was accompanied by a huge army fully equipped for battle . He was previously the Subhedar of Wai for twelve years and knew the country well . He marched on Maharashtra full of pride and confident of success .

Swaraj in Danger : At this time Shivaji was at Raigad . He got the news of Afzalkhan's movements . He immediately saw that his Swaraj was in great danger . But he did not lose courage . He knew that the Khan was full of stratagem and had a huge army with him . Shivaji's kingdom was very small in comparison and so was his army . He could see that he could never hold his own in open battle against the Khan . His only hope was in some strategic move that would take the Khan by surprise . In consultation with Jijabai and with her blessings , Shivaji Maharaj shifted his headquarters from Rajgad to Pratapgad .

Afzalkhan's Counter - move : When the Khan learnt that Shivaji had moved to Pratapgad , he became very angry . He was aware of the difficulties in conquering Pratapgad . It was surrounded by thick forest and high hills . There was no proper approach road to the fort and it was very difficult to move his artillery . Besides , the jungle was full of wild life . The Khan initiated many moves in the hope of bringing Shivaji down to the plains . He attacked the holy cities of Pandharpur and Tuljapur . He harassed the people . He was 47 Fort Pratapgad hopeful that these tactics would bring Shivaji down to the plains . But Shivaji proved too clever for him . He refused to leave Pratapgad . Then the Khan changed his tactics . In a spirit of apparent friendliness he sent a message to Shivaji . " You are like a son to me . Come and see me . Return our forts and I shall see that Adilshah makes you a Sardar at his court . "

Tit for Tat : Shivaji quickly saw through the Khan's offer . He was taking no chances . He decided somehow to persuade the Khan to come up to the fort . In reply to the Khan's message he said , " Khansaheb , I am guilty of having captured your forts . I must have your promise of pardon for this . Please come and meet me at the foothills of Pratapgad . I am really afraid of coming down to the plains to meet you . " This reply of Shivaji pleased Afzalkhan . Passing his fingers through his beard he smiled and said , " This is good news . What can Shivaji do against the mighty Afzalkhan ? He has no guts to fight me . I shall myself go to Pratapgad and put an end to his life when we meet . " So he agreed to Shivaji's proposal .

The Meeting Place : The ' Machi ' on Pratapgad was chosen as the meeting place . It was agreed that each one would be accompanied by a servant and followed by ten bodyguards at a distance . A special road was constructed for the convenience of the Khan and a big shamiana put up for the meeting Every move of Shivaji was marked by great caution . He divided his army into small units . Each unit was told where to hide and when and how to act . He took every measure for safety and left nothing to chance . Many of his advisers tried to dissuade him from meeting the Khan . The Khan's word could not be trusted . But Shivaji brushed aside this advice and decided to meet the Khan as arranged .

Before the Meeting : On the day of the meeting , Shivaji visited Bhavani's temple in the moming and took darshan ' . Soon after , he started putting on his ceremonial clothes . He wore his Surwar and coat of mail . Over the coat of mail , he wore a kurta and a flowing robe . On his head he placed the Jiretope ( helmet ) and tied a Mandil around it . He fitted Waghnakh onto the fingers of his left hand . Hidden inside the left sleeve was a Bichwa and he carried the Dandpatta in his hand . He was now ready to face the Khan All the Sardars were waiting outside . Shivaji turned them and said , " Friends , each one of you must carry out the duties assigned to you . I am sure the goddess Bhavani will see that we succeed . But if things go wrong and I am killed , do not lose heart . Install Sambhaji on the ' gadi ' , follow the advice of Maasaheb . Fight for Swaraj and extend its boundaries . Make the subjects happy . I shall go now to meet the Khan . " He was accompanied by his Vakil Pantaji Gopinath and ten bodyguards including Jivaji Mahala , Sambhaji Kavji . Yesaji Kank , Siddi Ibrahim and others . When Shivaji reached the shamiana he saw that the Khan had already arrived . He was busy planning his future moves . Standing by his side was an armed soldier , Bada Sayyad by name . He was highly skilled in the use Dandpatta . Shivaji came to the entrance of the shamiana , but on seeing Bada Sayyad , he stopped and would not proceed further . The Khan asked Shivaji's Vakil why Shivaji stood at the entrance instead of coming in . The Vakil said . " He is afraid of Bada Sayyad . Please ask him to go away . " Bada Sayyad moved away and Shivajistepped in . The Khan got up and said , " Come , Shivaji Raje , let us embrace each other as a mark of our friendship . "The Struggle with the Khan : Shivaji Maharaj cautiously took a step forward and the Khan took him in his embrace . Before the giant Khan Shivaji looked a pigmy . He reached only as far as the Khan's chest . At the same moment , the Khan held Shivaji's neck in his iron grip and stabbed him on the side with his dagger . It tore apart Shivaji's robe but the coat of mail underneath saved him . Shivaji , knowing that the Khan was trying to kill him , quickly thrust the Waghnakh in the Khan's stomach . Drawing out the Bichwa with his right hand , he drove it into the Khan's stomach and tore apart his guts . The wounded Khan fell down . Khan's Vakil , Krishnaji Bhaskar , came forward and attacked Shivaji with his sword . But Shivaji killed him with one stroke of the Patta . When Bada Sayyad heard the shouts and noise he rushed into the shamiana . As he was about to strike Shivaji , Jivaji Mahala came between them and killed Bada Sayyad with one stroke . Because of Jiva , Shiva was saved ' became a common saying afterwards

The Rout of the Afzalkhan's Army : Thus with triumph Shivaji went up to the fort . The gun boomed and gave the signal . On the instant , Shivaji's troops came out of their hiding and attacked the Khan's army . The Khan's army was completely unprepared for the attack and was caught in a difficult terrain . They could not even run away to save their lives . The Maratha troops chased them in hot pursuit and destroyed the whole of the Khan's powerful army . Fazalkhan , Afzalkhan's son who escaped with great difficulty , reached Bijapur . His account of the disastrous campaign spread gloom over the whole of Bijapur . Shivaji thus humbled the most powerful Sardar of the Bijapur Court . His fame spread everywhere . The songs of his exploits were heard in the hills and valleys of Sahyadri


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