The Discomfiture of Shaistakhan

Shaistakhan's Campaign : In spite of repeated efforts in which he left no stone unturned , Adilshah of Bijapur could not force Shivaji to surrender . Every Sardar of Bijapur who was sent against Shivaji was defeated . Adilshah at last gave up the fight , made peace with Shivaji and gave recognition to his independent Kingdom . Shivaji thus had peace for some time on his southern border . In the meanwhile , constant Moghul attacks from the north had practically ruined Maharashtra . Shivaji , therefore , turned his attention northwards and carried out raids in the territory of Moghul Emperor , Aurangzeb . This enraged Aurangzeb and he sent Shaistakhan , his uncle , to deal with Shivaji and teach him a lesson . Shaistakhan with a huge army of 75,000 men and hundreds of elephants , camels and pieces of cannon marched on Pune . On the way he captured the towns of Shirval , Shivapur , Saswad and finally laid siege to the fort of Purandar . Nothing could stop his advance . But once the Maratha army surrounded him in a mountain pass . The Maratha troops moved very fast on their swift Bhimthadi ponies . They also travelled very light . They could traverse the hills and valleys in the shortest possible time on army rations consisting of onions and bajra bread . This type of warfare , perfected by the Marathas , was unknown to Shaistakhan . Tired of the continuous harassment by the Maratha troops , he at last raised the siege of Purandar .

Firangoji Narsala : Shaistakhan then continued his march on Pune . First he captured the fort of Chakan . Firangoji Narsala defended the fort with great bravery and skill against the army of Shaistakhan . For two months he kept Shaistakhan at bay , but he was helpless against the guns of Shaistakhan . Shaistakhan was much impressed with the way Firangoji defended the fort and offered him service with the Moghul Emperor . Firangoji however refused this tempting offer

Shaistakhan in Lal Mahal : Shaistakhan came to Pun and made Lal Mahal , Shivaji's residence , his headquarters One year passed , then another year . Shaistakhan would nc leave Pune . On the contrary , his troops would raid Shivaji territory , destroy crops and take away the cattle . In thi way he started devastating the surrounding countryside .

A Bold Plan : At last Shivaji decided to teach Shaistakhan a lesson . In a way it was good that Shaistakhan was staying in Lal Mahal . Shivaji knew the place inside out , with all its entrances and exits , its secret passages , doors and windows . Besides , Shivaji's spies were keeping him well informed about the disposition of the Khan's troops . Shivaji , therefore , decided to enter Lal Mahal one night and kill Shaistakhan . This was indeed a very bold plan . Lal Mahal was so well guarded that even an ant would find it difficult to get through . 75,000 troops were camping outside the palace . No armed Maratha was allowed to enter the town . But Shivaji had made up his mind and there was none who could turn him away from his resolve . Shivaji fixed the date to carry out the plan . On the night of 5th April , 1663 , a marriage procession waspassing along the streets of Pune . There was music , and fireworks accompanied the procession . Hundreds of people dressed in fine clothes were in the procession . Some were in Palanquins , others in Menas ' , while many more were on foot . Shivaji with his band of trusted followers joinedthe procession to give the impression that they were a part of it . After some time the procession proceeded on its way , but Shivaji and his men moved away quietly in the direction of Lal Mahal . Shaistakhan was fast asleep at this hour .

Shaistakhan Learns a Lesson - Shivaji made a hole in the wall and entered Lal Mahal . He had no trouble in finding his way about , because it was after all , his own house . The Khan's bodyguards were half asleep . Shivaji's followers tied them up . Shivaji went deeper inside . Suddenly , someone rushed at him with a sword . Shivaji killed him . He thought it was Shaistakhan , but it was his son . There was a commotion . People woke up . Shivaji went straight to the Khan's chambers and took out his sword . Terrified , the Khan started shouting the Devil , the Devil ' and tried to escape through the window . Shivaji struck him with the sword which cut off three fingers of the Khan . Instead of losing his life , the Khan was lucky to escape with the loss of three fingers only . The Khan jumped out of the window and made for safety . To deceive the Khan's troops , Shivaji and his men raised the cry , " Shivaji has attacked . Run , catch him , " and started to run themselves . The Khan's troops also started running in all directions . In the confusion that followed , Shivaji and his men made their escape and reached Sinhagad . The Khan's troops spent the whole night looking in vain for Shivaji and his troops . This incident took the fight out of Shaistakhan . He was afraid that if he lost only his fingers in the first attack , Shivaji might cut his head off in the second . Aurangzeb was furious when he heard of this episode . Shaistakhan lost the Emperor's favour and was transferred to Bengal . This was the first serious blow to the Moghul Power . Shivaji had successfully beared the lion in his own den . Gunfire announced the victory and a wave of joy went all over Maharashtra .


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