Baji Prabhu and the Memorable Battle of Ghodkhind

Shivaji Conquers Panhala - Adilshah Gets Angry : While Bijapur was still mourning the death of Afzalkhan and the complete rout of his army , Shivaji captured the Panhala fort from the Bijapur garrison . This threw Adilshah into a fit of wild rage . He could neither eat nor sleep . He despatched another Sardar , Siddi Jauhar , against Shivaji . Siddi Jauhar had a huge army with him . Fazalkhan who wanted to avenge his father's death . also accompanied him .

The Siege of Panhalgad : Siddi Jauhar was brave but ruthless . He was a strict disciplinarian . He laid siege to Panhalgad and confined Shivaji within the fort . The rainy season was approaching and Shivaji thought that once the rains came , Siddi Jauhar would lift the siege . But Siddi Jauhar did nothing of the kind . On the contrary , with the arrival of the monsoon , he further tightened the siege . Supplies in the fort were running out . Shivaji was in a fix . Since he could not force Siddi Jauhar to lift the siege by an open battle , he decided to deceive Siddi Jauhar by a clever ruse . He sent a message to Siddi Jauhar to the effect that he was defeated and would shortly surrender the fort . Siddi was happy . Siddi's troops were already tired of the long siege . They were very pleased to hear that Shivaji agreed to surrender . They relaxed the watch and indulged in food , drink and music .

Shivaji Escapes from the Siege : A plan was hit upon to escape from the siege . Two palanquins were kept ready One was meant for Shivaji in which he would proceed using a difficult route . The other would be occupied by another person disguised as Shivaji . This palanquin was to leave by the ' Raj - dindi ' . This other palanquin would be easily spotted by the enemy forces , and it would be captured by them . While the enemy celebrated the capture of Shivaji , the real Shivaji would escape by the difficult route . This was the plan : but who would thus impersonate Shivaji ? Such an impersonation meant certain death . But a brave youth undertook this task . He resembled Shivaji in looks and even bore the same name . He was a hairdresser in Shivaji's service . He was courageous and shrewd . As planned , the palanquin carrying this other Shivaji came out of Raj - dindi . It was a dark night and it was raining heavily . Still , some enemy soldiers were keeping watch . They captured the palanquin . They thought that they had caught Shivaji himself and took the palanquin to Siddi's camp . Jubilations began in the camp . In the meanwhile , Shivaji escaped from the fort by the difficult route . He was accompanied by Baji Prabhu Deshpande , Bandal Deshmukh and some select soldiers . After some time , the impersonation of the other Shivaji was exposed . The furious Siddi killed him then and there . This Shivaji sacrificed his own life in the cause of Shivaji and Swaraj . Thus , he became immortal . When the Siddi learnt that Shivaji had given him the slip , he was livid with rage . Immediately , he despatched his Sardar Siddi Masaud , accompanied by a big army , in hot pursuit of Shivaji . At daybreak , the pursuing horsemen caught up with Shivaji at the Pandharpani stream . Shivaji was now in real trouble . With the greatest difficulty he and his men crossed the Ghodkhind .

Baji Prabhu , the Brave : The angry troops of Siddi were fast galloping towards the Ghodkhind pass . Shivaji saw that it was impossible to reach Vishalgad before the enemy overtook them . He said to Baji Prabhu , " Baji , this is a very critical situation . The road ahead is steep and the enemy is right on our heels . It is now impossible to reach Vishalgad . So let us turn back and face the enemy . " Baji Prabhu understood the great agitation going on in Shivaji's mind . The enemy was fast approaching the pass . The life of Shivaji and , therefore , Swaraj , was in danger . He said , " Sire , you must proceed to Vishalgad . Take a handful of soldiers with you . I shall defend this pass and will not let the enemy cross it . I shall lay down my life in defence of this pass if need be . If I die , there will be many other Bajis to take my place . But no one can replace you . Our Swaraj needs you . The enemy will attack in large numbers . We cannot hold out against them with our limited force . Please do not wait . Go ahead . We shall stop the enemy at the entrance to the pass . We shall not let him advance till we know that you have reached Vishalgad safely . " Baji Prabhu's brave words and his sense of loyalty brought tears to Shivaji's eyes . He was most unwilling to sacrifice this gem of a man for his personal safety . But he had no time to think of these things . He wanted to achieve his idea of Swaraj . He fondly embraced Baji and said , “ We shall move ahead towards Vishalgad . As soon as we gain the fort , guns will be fired . That will be the signal of our safe arrival . As soon as you hear the gun - fire , abandon the pass and follow us to the fort . "

Baji's Defence of the Ghodihind Pass : So Shivaji left for Vishalgad leaving Baji Prabhu to defend the pussBaji made a low bow to the receding figure of Shivaji and then prepared himself for battle . He took a sword in his hand and stood at the entrance of the pass . He divided his company of soldiers into small groups and posted them at suitable points . The Mavlas took their positions and collected huge boulders and stones to be used as weapons . They raised a barrier of steel across the pass . By this time the enemy had reached the mouth of the pass and one could hear their war cries . Baji addressed his troops and said , " My brave soldiers and comrades , be prepared . You may die fighting but do not desert your post . Lo not allow the enemy to conquer the pass , no matter what price has to be paid . " So Baji Prabhu and his Mavlas stood at the mouth of the pass , firm and fearless , awaiting the enemy . The pass was difficult to cross , there being only a narrow and a zigzag passage across it . At the other end , Shivaji was speeding towards Vishalgad . The fort was still some distance away and it would take Shivaji at least two hours to reach it . If Baji Prabhu could hold out for those two hours , Shivaji would be safe .

The Battle of Ghodkhind : By now the enemy was at the mouth of the pass where a fierce battle was in progress . The Mavlas who were adept at the use of the sling harassed the enemy with showers of stones and boulders from the hill - top and killed many of them . The first batch of the attacking troops withdrew in confusion . Another batch took their place . Baji Prabhu urged his troops into the attack . The Maratha war cry " Har Har Mahadeo " echoed through the hills and the brave Mavlas cut down the enemy troops in the fierce and desperate attack . Through the din of battle they heard their captain shouting encouragement to them : " Bravo , my lads , go ahead , attack and destroy the enemy " . The second batch of the enemy troops was also defeated . Shivaji was by now , almost at the foot of Vishalgad . Vishalgad was also besieged by the enemy . Shivaji fought through the ranks of the besieging troops and was on the last lap of his ride to safety .

Baji the Brave : In the meantime , the battle at the pass continued unabated . Enraged at the defeat of his first two attacks , Siddi Masaud organized and despatched a third batch of troops against Baji Prabhu and his brave men . They surrounded Baji Prabhu who fought with great courage . Though wounded and attacked from all sides , with his body covered with blood , Baji would not withdraw from the pass but continued the fight . At the same time he urged his Mavlas to attack the enemy . Disheartened by the fearful attack , the enemy again withdrew . But Baji was fatally wounded . He was hanging on to life just to hear the sound of gun - fire from Vishalgad .

Ghodkhind becomes Pavan Khind : And then the sound of gun - fire was heard from Vishalgad . " Maharaj has reached Vishalgad . I have done my duty . Now I can die in peace " . So saying , Baji breathed his last on this historic battlefield . When Shivaji heard this news on Vishalgad , he was greatly grieved . He exclaimed , " Baji Prabhu Deshpande laid down his life on the battlefield in the cause of Swaraj . The Bandals gave a great battle . " It was because of brave patriots like Baji Prabhu that Swaraj was won . Their blood made the Ghodkhind a place holy in Swaraj . Ghodkhind became immortal in history as " Pavan Khind ' . We pay our repeated homage to the brave Baji Prabhu and his brave men .


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