Campaign in the South

Plan of Campaign : The coronation ceremony was over but its joy was short - lived . Only twelve days after the ceremony Maasaheb died and Shivaji lost his biggest support . While all his subjects looked upon Shivaji Maharaj as their protector , Shivaji Maharaj himself depended upon the advice and help of Maasaheb . She was the true guide and Guru in his life . He was deeply grieved at the loss of his mother . But he had very little time for sorrow because he had to administer the kingdom which he had established . He decided to attack Karnatak . He was no longer afraid of Adilshah because the Kingdom of Bijapur was practically on its last legs . The real threat to Swaraj was from the North , for Aurangzeb was bidding his time to destroy the Maratha Kingdom . There was no knowing when he would attack and swallow the new kingdom . Shivaji thought that this campaign would create a powerful base in the South from where he could resist the blows of the Great Moghul . With this in view he planned his Southern campaign . He approached Kutubshah of Golconda for help and the Shah readily agreed to give whatever help was needed . There was yet another reason for the Campaign . Shivaji's step - brother Vyankoji was looking after Shahaji Raje's Tanjavur Jagir in the South . He would not give Shivaji his share of the ancestral Jagir . Neither did he display any love for Swaraj . He treated Shivaji with indifference . Shivaji thought that a personal meeting would resolve the dispute and Vyankoji could be persuaded to help in the work of Swaraj .

Visit to Golconda : Shivaji Maharaj started on his Southern campaign . Abulhasan Kutubshah of Golconda had invited him to visit Golconda . He , therefore , decided to visit Golconda first and then proceed with his conquest of the South . Golconda was the capital of Kutubshah's Kingdom . He made great preparations to receive Shivaji . A special Shamiana was put up where the two would meet . As Shivaji entered the capital , people lined the streets to have his Darshan ' . Stories of his exploits were the talk of the whole country . People had heard of the death of Afzalkhan at his hands , of the discomfiture of Shaistakhan and of Shivaji's miraculous escape from Agra . Because of this , Shivaji Maharaj received a royal welcome . People showered flower petals on him from the house - tops . Acknowledging this wonderful reception , Shivaji entered Kutubshah's darbar . Kutubshah came down half - way to receive him and took Shivaji Maharaj to the throne specially prepared at par with the Kutubshah's own . He left nothing undone as far as reception was concerned .

 Conquest of Jinjir : Taking leave of Kutubshah , Shivaji proceeded south and reached the east coast . To the south of Chennai is the fort of Jinji . It was a big fort , as big and strong as Raigad . Shivaji besieged and captured it . A strong Southern base was thus created for Swaraj . Then he besieged the Vellore fort . The siege lasted for several months but the fort could not be conquered . Shivaji had to train his guns on the fort from a neighbouring hill before he could conquer it . His Southern campaign brought under his rule several forts and territory with an annual revenue of twenty lakhs .

Meeting with Vyankoji Raje : Shivaji Maharaj invited Vyankoji Raje , his step - brother , to meet him . Vyankoji Raje reluctantly agreed . Shivaji received him with great honour and tried to win him over . He appealed to Vyankoji Raje to help him in the work of Swaraj . For a few days , Vyankoji Raje stayed with Shivaji Maharaj but one night he returned to Tanjavur without even taking leave of Shivaji Maharaj . From Tanjavur he actually attacked Shivaji's forces . Shivaji's forces took heavy toll of the attacking troops and Vyankoji Raje was defeated . Shivaji Maharaj was deeply pained at Vyankoji Raje's behaviour . He wrote to him and tried to persuade him to change his ways . He conferred on him the territory around Jinji and set aside a small part of Karnatak as a gift for Deepabai , Vyankoji's wife . He said in his letter to Vyankoji Raje . " Do not put your trust in your enemies . Follow the path of valour . " After the conclusion of this successful campaign Shivaji returned to Raigad . But the campaign put a severe strain on him and undermined his health . At the same to despatch his navy against the Siddi of Janjira . five years he had toiled without any time for rest His health suffered and he was now a tired man . To add to this , son Sambhaji went away and joined Dilerkhan , the Moghul Sardar . This was indeed a severe blow . However , Sambhaji Raje repented and returned to Swaraj . Shivaji Maharaj consoled and comforted him . Shivaji Maharaj was then fifty years old . He achieved great things during this period . He fought against very powerful enemies and established Swaraj . There was none in the whole of India who could match his achievements .

The People's Protector is No More : At twelve noon , on 3rd April , 1680 , Shivaji Maharaj died , plunging his people into a sea of sorrow . The protector of people passed away .


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