Shivaji gives the slip to the Emperor

Putting his trust in Jaising , Shivaji left for Agra to visit the Emperor . Before leaving for Agra , Shivaji handed over the administration of his Swaraj to his mother Jijabai and took her blessings . With him were his son Sambhaji Raje , some chosen Sardars , and a few trusted servants . He also carried with him a large treasure . In due course he reached Agra .

Shivaji Shows his Spirit at the Emperor's Court : On a prearranged day Shivaji Maharaj attended the Emperor's Darbar . Young Sambhaji Raje accompanied him . It was Aurangzeb's fiftieth birthday . After finishing court in Diwan - i - Khas , the Emperor entered the hall where matters of state were discussed . In front of him stood his chief Sardars in serial ranks according to their status . Jaswantsing Rathod whom theMarathas had put to flight on many occasions was in the rank ahead of Shivaji . The Emperor put Shivaji in one of the back rows . Shivaji became angry . After all , he was the King of the sovereign State of Maharashtra and his status demanded that he should be in the front rank . This was a deliberate insult which he would not suffer lying down . Angry and insulted , he turned his back on the royal presence and made for his residence . He decided never to see the Emperor's face again . The visit was thus a failure . The news of the incident spread everywhere .

The Emperor's Treachery : Aurangzeb ordered guards to be posted around Shivaji's residence . Shivaji Maharaj and Sambhaji Raje thus became , for all practical purposes , the Emperor's prisoners . Shivaji understood the Emperor's treachery . He realised that the Emperor ' would never let him return to Maharashtra . Days and weeks passed . Then , one day , Shivaji Maharaj petitioned to the Emperor for permission to return to Maharashtra . He tried again and again , but every time his request was turned down . Then Shivaji Maharaj made up his mind to escape from the Emperor's clutches , come what may . To begin with , he obtained the Emperor's permission to send back to the South all the persons who had accompanied him to Agra . The Emperor was happy . He thought that Shivaji Maharaj would now be completely isolated . The only persons left with him now were Sambhaji Raje and the two servants Hiroji Farjand and Madari Mehetar . Soon after , Shivaji Maharaj pretended to be ill . He complained of severe pain in the stomach . Doctors were called . They started treating the patient . Shivaji started sending out huge baskets of sweets to Sadhus and Maulavis for his quick recovery 

Escape from Agra : In the beginning the guards outside would examine the baskets . In the course of time they got tired of this daily routine and stopped it . One evening Shivaji made Hiroji sleep in his bed and asked Madari to massage his feet . Then Shivaji Maharaj and Sambhaji Raje hid themselves in two many baskets that were going out The baskets were supposed to contain sweets and to pass unchecked . At a place previously fixed , Shivaji Maharaj and Sambhaji Raje got out of the baskets . Their faithful servants were waiting for them with horses ready for flight . In the meantime , Hiroji and Madari left the house in Agra under the pretext that they were going to the doctor to get some medicine . The Emperor came to know of Shivaji's escape the next day . He was wild with rage . His Sardars were frightened . Spies were sent all over the country to trace Shivaji . All the search , however , was in vain . Once escaped , the Maratha lion was never again caught in the Emperor's net . In disguise . Shivaji Maharaj started towards Maharashtra . He left young Sambhaji Raje behind in a safe place at Mathura and in due course , reached Rajgad , Jijamata was overjoyed to see Shivaji safe and back home . Two months later , Sambhaji Raje also arrived safely at Rajgad . In this way , with great skill and daring , Shivaji gave slip to the Emperor and returned to the safety of his Kingdom . This was in 1666 Fill


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