The Fort is captured but the Lion is dead

14. The Fort is captured but the Lion is dead

Jijamata's Wish : The twenty - three forts which Shivaji handed over to Jaising were still in the hands of the Moghuls . Kondana was one of these twenty - three forts . One day Jijamata said to Shivaji , “ Shivba , it is not safe to leave the strong Kondana fort in enemy hands . You must recapture it . ” Shivaji was thinking on the same lines . He was very unhappy that Kondana was in Moghul hands . Both Shivaji and Jijabaisaheb were very unhappy about it . It was like a thorn in their side .

Tanaji Malusare : Shivaji started making his plans for the recapture of Kondana . It was a very difficult task . While thinking of some suitable person to whom this difficult task could be entrusted , the name of Tanaji Malusare came to his mind . Tanaji was his comrade right from the beginning . He came from the village Umrathe near Mahad in the Konkan . He was ever ready to put his heart and soul into any work assigned to him by Shivaji . Tanaji was strong and well - built , and as clever as he was brave . He was passionately devoted to Shivaji .

Kondana's Marriage First : Tanaji was busy making preparations for his son Raiba's wedding . Everyone in the house was busy with the marriage preparations . The marriage was only four days away . Tanaji thought that he would go and invite Shivaji Maharaj and Maasaheb to the wedding . Accompanied by Shelarmama , he went to Shivaji Maharaj to give him and Maasaheb his personal invitation to the wedding . On receiving the invitation from Shelarmama , Shivaji said , " Shelarmama , you go back and celebrate the wedding . I am sorry I shall be unable to attend . I have decided to lead a campaign for the recapture of Kondana . '  As soon as Tanaji heard this he said , “ Maharaj , do you propose to undertake this difficult and dangerous campaign while Tanaji is still alive ? Then what is the use of persons like me ? This will not do . I shall first perform the marriage of Kondana by capturing it . Raiba's wedding can wait . You must allow me to lead this campaign and give me your blessings for its success . "
Tanaji's Plan : With these words Tanaji took charge of the campaign and left for Kondana . The fort was then under the immediate control of Udaybhan , a Rajput officer appointed by Jaising . Udaybhan was a disciplined and vigilant officer . There were two entrances to the fort . Both were heavily guarded by Udaybhan's men . How then to mount an assault ? Tanaji quietly made a detailed inspection of the fort . On the western side there was a steep precipice where there were no guards . Tanaji decided to attack from that side . He explained his plan to his younger brother . He said , " You take a detachment of five hundred troops and try and reach the ' Kalyan ' gate . With another three hundred I shall scale this precipice and get inside the fort . As soon as we are there , we shall throw open the doors of the ‘ Kalyan gate . Then you step in and join us . Together we shall destroy the Moghul troops defending the fort . ” With the plan thus finalised , Suryaji and Tanaji went their different ways .

Over the Precipice and into the Fort : It was a dark night . Tanaji and his men were gathered at the foot of the precipice  The sound of crickets could be heard all round . Five or six members of Tanaji's party started to scale the precipice . It was indeed very high and steep . But somehow they managed to get a foothold in the rock , pulled themselves up by pushing their fingers into rock crevices and began the difficult and dangerous climb . Slowly but surely they reached the top . As soon as they were on safe ground , they tied a thick rope to a strong tree and let it down the precipice . The others took hold of the rope and climbed up to the top like monkeys .

Tanaji's Valour : By now Suryaji had reached the Kalyan gate . He waited there for the doors to open . The battle on the fort started . Udaybhan heard of the attack . The battle drum was sounded . Udaybhan's garrison attacked Tanaji's men . A grim battle started between the two forces in the light of dancing torches . The Mavlas opened the doors of the Kalyan gate . Tanaji was fighting like a brave lion . Udaybhan attacked him . Both were very brave and the battle between them was fierce . Tanaji's shield was broken . So he tied his upper garment round his defending hand to parry Udaybhan's blows and continued the fight . In the end both were mortally wounded and fell fighting .

The Fort is captured but the Lion is dead : With the death of Tanaji the Marathas found themselves without a leader and began to retreat . By then Suryaji and his men had arrived on the scene of battle . Suryaji was deeply grieved to know that his brother was dead . But he had no time for grief . He had to continue the fight . He cut off the rope by which the Mavlas had climbed the fort . Then he stood in the path of the retreating Mavlas and said , " Don't you see that your father is lying dead here on the battlefield ? Are you not ashamed to run away like a bunch of cowards ? Turn  back and fight , for I have blocked your retreat by cutting off the rope by which you climbed up . The only choice before you is either to jump to your death over the precipice or to turn back and fight to destroy the enemy . " So the Mavlas returned to the fight and attacked the enemy . A fierce battle raged . The Mavlas ultimately conquered the fort but in the process had lost their brave and lion - hearted leader , Tanaji . Jijamata and Shivaji Maharaj heard the news . They were struck with grief . Shivaji Maharaj expressed his sorrow in a single sentence : " The fort is won but the lion is dead . " So Kondana became Sinhagad , in memory of the great warrior who gave his life to recapture it . This event took place in 1670. Later on , Shivaji Raje personally went to Umrathe and performed the wedding of Raiba .


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