A Memorable Ceremony

Why did Shivaji have himself crowned ? : Shivaji took the oath of Swaraj in the temple of Raireshwar . He had to face numerous difficulties and calamities in his efforts to win Swaraj for his people . But with great courage and skill Shivaji overcame them all . Swaraj had stepped out of its childhood and was growing fast . Men like Baji Prabhu , Murarbaji , Tanaji nursed it with their blood . The new Kingdom was both respected and feared . With a view to having this kingdom recognized by all other princes in the land , big and small , Shivaji decided to have himself crowned . After hundreds of years , a king was born in Maharashtra who would treat all religions equally and give justice and happiness to his subjects . Shivaji decided to have himself crowned so that everyone would come to know that Swaraj was firmly established . He did not do it for self glorification or personal happiness . He did it to give the newly founded Swaraj a firm footing ,

The Capital of Swaraj : Shivaji selected Raigad as the capital of his kingdom . Raigad was a strong hill fort from where it was easy to administer the kingdom and keep a watch on the enemy . Shivaji Raje inspected his troops at Chiplun . He visited Pratapgad and took the goddess Bhavani's " Darshan ' . In grateful memory he presented to the temple a golden canopy for the goddess .

Preparations for the Coronation : Then Shivaji Raje ordered a golden throne to be made and had it studded with precious stones . He put a white royal umbrella over the throne . Invitations to the coronation were sent out to princes and kings , learned Brahmins , all the Sardars under his command and other officers . Gagabhatt came from Varanasi to act as the chief priest at the ceremony . Gagabhatt originally belonged to Paithan but had settled down in Varanasi . He was a great and renowned scholar respected in Varanasi . Men were sent out to bring waters of the seven rivers and the sea . Shivaji Raje made detailed preparations for the coronation . Nearly fifty thousand people gathered at Raigad . Small tents , big tents , spacious shamianas to accommodate the guests could be seen everywhere .

The Coronation Ceremony - The Coronation Day dawned . It was indeed the most auspicious day . Musicians began to play on their instruments . Singers began to sing , music and singing filled the air . There was an atmosphere of joy everywhere . Shivaji Raje sat on a golden seat in full regalia including the canopy ( chhatra ) and the fans ( chamare ) . There were priests , each one carrying ghee , honey and curds . Gagabhatt himself carried a gold vessel filled with the waters of the seven rivers , Ganga , Sindhu , Yamuna , Godavari , Krishna , Narmada and Kaveri . Gagabhatt held the vessel over Shivaji's head and started reciting the coronation mantras . From a hundred tiny holes in the vessel , water of the seven rivers started dripping down on Shivaji's head . After ablution by the sacred waters Shivaji Maharaj got up and bowed before Jijamata and touched her feet . Jijamata held him in close embrace . Her eyes were filled with tears of joy . Her thirty years ' efforts had at last borne fruit . The dream she had nursed even before Shivaji's birth had at last come true . The tears in her eyes were tears of joy and fulfilment . Shivaji Maharaj was also deeply moved . Glory be to both of them . At an auspicious hour , Shivaji Maharaj sat on the throne . Maharani Soyarabai and the Crown Prince Sambhaji sat next to him . His eight ministers stood on either side . Gagabhatt held the canopy lined with gold and pearl tassels over his head and said , “ Victory be to Shiva Chhatrapati , now crowned King , the ornament of the race of warriors . " Everyone present followed suit and in one voice wished victory to Shivaji . Guns were fired from fort after fort . The whole of Maharashtra echoed with one voice , " Shivaji Maharaj Ki Jai . " Shivaji's coronation took place in 1674. From that year Shivaji started a new calendar , the Coronation Calendar . He became a great king like those in whose name people start a mew era . He struck his own coins . Some foreign envoys were present at the Coronation . The British had sent their envoy Oxinden with valuable presents . Through them the whole world came to know of the big event . Shivaji's fame spread everywhere .


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