The Age of Enlightenment in Europe

# The Age of Enlightenment in Europe

Today the continent of Europe is in the forefront in many areas, but the society in medieval Europe was in a backward state.  The clergy had an influence on the society.  People had to accept what they said.  The sermons of the clergy were the main means of gaining knowledge of the people.  Like the religious leaders, the people of the royal family and the sardars and nobles were also important in the society.

## Enlightenment:

This situation in Europe began to change gradually, as ideological awakening took place in Europe in the later period.  It was realized that the feelings of the common man are as important as the religious leaders, sardars and nobles, and that every man has value as an individual.  People understood the idea that one should accept only what suits the intellect.  This ideological awakening is called awakening.
     Awakening took place in Europe for a variety of reasons.

## Printer Search:
The invention of the printing press began around 1450.  Until then it was just a handwritten book.  It was not possible for everyone to read it.  Besides, they were in Latin or Greek.  Ordinary people did not understand these languages.  The art of printing made it possible for many people to read books written in the language of the people.

## New Literature - New Ideas:

Believe in your own intellect, don't rely on what someone else says, 'said Roger Bacon.  The Italian poet Dante wrote a book of poetry called 'Divine Comedy'.  This book describes man's feelings.  The English writer Shakespeare has painted stories based on the emotions of anger, greed and love in his mind.

## Changes in the field of art:
   New types of subjects were also depicted in the fields of painting and sculpture.  Leonardo da Vinci has portrayed the smile on a young woman's face in the film 'Mona Lisa'.  In earlier times, the common man could not be the subject of painting, only paintings based on religious stories.

## Advances in Science:
        Discoveries by astronomers such as Copernicus, Galileo, and Haley provided more information about the planetary system.  The idea that the sun revolves around the earth, that eclipses and comets cause trouble for us, etc., is completely false, man understood.  The scientific approach based on experimentation led to many new discoveries in astronomy as well as in physics, chemistry, physiology, etc.
## Geographic research:
         The knowledge of building ships that can travel long distances was acquired in the age of enlightenment.  He also learned the science of making accurate maps.  The compass was informed.  This progress gave impetus to the search for new territories in Europe.
          Until then, the only known trade route from Asia to Europe was known as the land route of Constantinople, now Istanbul.  The land route is the land route.  Etc.  C.  In 1453, the Turks conquered the city from the Roman emperor.  This created a need to find new ways.  Advances in navigation led many brave sailors in Europe to explore new lands around the world.  They include sailors such as Columbus, Amerigo Vespucci, Vasco-da-Gama, Ferdinand Magellan, and others.  These expeditions led to the discovery of the Americas.  New sea routes to India and other countries in the East became known.

## Reformation Movement:

       The Enlightenment challenged the authority of the clergy and the pope.  Thinkers such as Huss, Ismas, and Martin Luther taught that people should not obey the unjust command of the clergy.  He said that by reading the Bible, people can interpret religion on their own, without the need for religious leaders.  As a result, the winds of individual freedom began to blow in Europe. The social, cultural, economic and political changes that took place in Europe in modern times began in the Enlightenment.


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