

The changes that take place on a large scale and rapidly in the political, social, religious and economic spheres of social life are called revolutions. The period during which these changes take place is called 'Krantiyug'. In this sense, the eighteenth century was a period of revolution. The War of Independence took place in the United States in the eighteenth century. There was a coup in France. The Industrial Revolution began in England. These events led to some immediate changes in the United States and Europe. We will also briefly look at the events that have affected other parts of the world in the years to come.

American War of Independence:

Amerigo Vespucci's naval expedition led to the discovery of the Americas. After that, people from many European countries moved to these new places and seized the territories there. The people of England established their own colonies in America. The colonies were allowed to provide schooling, open public libraries, set local taxes, and make decisions on other local matters, but they were not allowed to have relations with other countries of the world. England also controlled the trade of these colonies. The main purpose was to use the natural resources of the United States for the benefit of England. In addition, England had the right to collect various taxes from the colonists when needed. An order was issued that the American colonies should bear some of the cost of the war with France.

Such restrictions imposed by England on the colonies were not approved by the American colonies. The colonists started a movement against the tyranny of England, saying, "England has no right to impose taxes on us because we do not have a representative in the Parliament of England. We will not pay taxes."

On July 4, 1776, the American colonies proclaimed their independence.  "All human beings are born equal, everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person, and the people are sovereign," the statement said.  This Declaration of Independence was drafted by Thomas Jefferson.

The war with England took place under the leadership of George Washington, the leader of the American colonies.  In this war, the American colonies defeated England.  The colonies came together and formed their own 'federation'.  George Washington was elected the first president.  The state can function without a king, this new idea was given by the American War of Independence.

French Revolution:

Etc. C. In 1774, Louis XVI became King of France. He ruled as he pleased. Even the kings who preceded him ruled France in a repressive manner. People were imprisoned for trivial reasons. The king and his chiefs were enjoying themselves. Sardar, Dharmaguru got tax exemption. The burden of taxes fell on the common people. Many were imprisoned on suspicion of plotting against the king. Everyone was being held in the Bastille prison in Paris, the capital of France.

Many French thinkers have spoken out against this injustice to ordinary people. There were many like Montesquieu, Voltaire, Rousseau. His ideas inspired ordinary people in France to protest against the king's tyranny. On July 14, 1789, the Bastille, a symbol of injustice, was attacked by the mob. Released prison inmates. France was soon liberated from the tyrannical rule of the king

The values ​​of freedom, equality and fraternity expressed during the French Revolution have helped shape the modern world.

Industrial Revolution:

The trade of the countries of Europe with the countries of the East flourished in the eighteenth century. England had made great strides in trade compared to other European countries. The English merchants felt that their trade should be further enhanced. Around this time, various types of devices were invented in England. John Kay invented the running dhoti. This increased the speed of weaving. Archright successfully piloted a spinning machine on a watermill. These mechanical advances in the textile industry have multiplied the production of textiles. James Watt invented the steam engine. Stephenson built steam-powered locomotives. Discoveries were made that would be useful in increasing agricultural production. Such innovations led to the boom of various industries. Large factories began to be set up and industry flourished. As a result, production increased significantly. This is called the Industrial Revolution.

The increase in production in Europe made European countries feel the need for a market.  They started establishing their own colonies in Asia and Africa.

Railway engine built by Stephenson


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