Science and human life

# Science and human life

    There is a big difference between the life of a nomadic man living a nomadic life and the life of a man in today's age of science who leaps into space.
        During the early millennia, man made some important discoveries.  These included making tools, building fires, using wheels, farming knowledge, and so on.  This kind of knowledge made man's daily life somewhat happier and more stable.  In recent times, especially in the four centuries since the sixteenth century, many discoveries have been made in various branches of science, such as physiology, astronomy, and physics.  Machines and equipment were invented so that these inventions could be put to practical use in the daily life of man.  It made man's life happier.
             In the twentieth century, one revolutionary discovery after another began.
            The Wright brothers invented the plane.  So man also began to travel through the sky.  The speed of travel also increased.  High-speed aircraft are man-made. Advances in aviation today have connected the countries of the world to each other by air.  Man used this invention for good as well as bad deeds.  For the first time in World War II, aircraft were used extensively to drop bombs on the enemy.  As a result of this war, a large number of lives and property were destroyed.

##Atomic energy:

   The discovery of nuclear power has made it possible to generate electricity. Stem is also used today in various fields such as diagnostics, treatment, agricultural research; But nuclear power was also used destructively. The United States used atomic bombs against Japan at the end of World War II. Thousands died and some were permanently displaced.

## space research
      The discovery of rockets encouraged the work of space exploration. With the help of rockets, it was possible to send artificial satellites into space. With the help of satellites, we have got the facilities like accurate weather forecasting, measuring the forest cover of the earth, giving advance warning of natural calamities, establishing interconnected telephone and television communications in countries around the world. Artificial satellites and spacecraft sent into space by rockets have made it possible to study planets and satellites.

# Information Technology:

  The invention of the computer is one of the great inventions of the twentieth century. It has revolutionized human life. Computer technology has made it possible to perform medical diagnoses, perform office work accurately and efficiently, conduct scientific research, reserve travel tickets, preserve government and other documents, and control factory production processes. The recent development of 'Internet' technology has made it extremely convenient to exchange information. With the availability of websites related to various subjects on the computer, it has become possible to get uninterrupted information on various subjects. If students studying history want to know about their subject, they can get it by visiting the appropriate website on their computer.
        Apart from the above mentioned discoveries, many other discoveries like X-ray technology, robots, heavy vehicles like tractors, genetic research, development of excellent agricultural seeds, state-of-the-art telephone and mobile technology have paved the way for progress and development.
           All these facilities should be used carefully and with restraint. Otherwise you may face many problems. Pollution, violence and terrorism, rising crime, human rights abuses are some of the problems.

Aircraft built by the Wright brothers


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