A Living Source of Inspiration

An Inspiring Life : Out of a small Jagir , Shivaji established Swaraj . He made the impossible possible . No wonder one is tempted to read about him and talk about him again and again . His life is an unending source of inspiration .

Devotion to Father and Mother : Shivaji always obeyed his mother . He fulfilled her every wish . He had immense respect for his father . Once Shahaji Raje came to see him . Shivaji was overjoyed . He made him ride in a palanquin and walked by its side carrying the father's shoes , This shows his great devotion to his father . He fulfilled the ardent dream of ' Hindavi Swaraj ' cherished by his father Shahaji Raje and mother Jijabai .

Patriotism : Shivaji was the son of a Jagirdar . He was therefore , a rich man . But from early childhood , he hated  slavery He , therefore , fought against powerful enemies and made his country free . He established Swaraj . He did this so that everyone would live in peace and follow . his religion without any outside interference , so that the Marathi language , and the Hindu religion would acquire their due place of honour . He toiled all his life for the prosperity of his language , his religion and his country and succeeded in the end . He was proud of the Marathi language . He had the book ' Rajya Vyavahar Kosh prepared so that government work could be carried on in Marathi .

Hindavi Swaraj : ' Hindavi Swaraj ' was his dream . Anyone who lived in Hindustan , no matter to what community or religion he belonged , was a ' Hindavi ' . Their Raj was ' Hindavi Swaraj ' . Shivaji's enemies were powerful but he did not lose courage . Times were difficult but he never gave up his self - respect . There were lakhs of people behind the Emperor but Shivaji never gave up the cause of justice , nor bowed down before a foreign power .

Remember Him : Shivaji was a torch - bearer in the dark night of slavery : a fighter who got the better of all difficult situations ; who slowly but surely increased his strength while giving fight to powerful enemies ; who encouraged his comrades and fooled his opponents and , in the end , achieved his goal . He was a model son , a cautious leader , a skilled organizer , a benevolent administrator , a clever military strategist , a terror to the wicked , a defender of the good , and an epoch maker . When one sees all these brilliant facets of his personality one cannot but say to oneself : " Bring to memory his wonderful image and remember his great achievements . "


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