A People's King

For the Happiness of the Subjects : Shivaji had inherited only a small Jagir from his father . Starting from there he built up an independent Kingdom . In childhood and youth he saw the misery and harassment of the people . He awakened them from their sleep and gave them back their self - respect and pride . He taught them to organize themselves . At great personal risk , he defeated powerful enemies and established Swaraj based on justice . He set up an efficient administration to run the government and made the people happy .

An Affectionate Master : Shivaji treated his followers with great affection . After Baji Prabhu laid down his life for the country , Shivaji looked after his children . Tanaji died at Sinhagad . Shivaji then personally went to Umrathe and performed the marriage ceremony of his son Raiba and showered his affection on him . Madari Mehetar put his life in danger at Agra . Shivaji looked after him to the end of his life . Prataprao Gujar sacrificed his own life for Swaraj . Shivaji Maharaj married his second son Rajaram to Prataprao's daughter . Such stories can be told endlessly . Shivaji was indeed an ideal king , he looked after his followers like a father .

Protection to the Subjects : Shaistakhan marched against Swaraj . The Khan's army , in its ruthless advance , destroyed everything that came in the way . They cut down standing crops and harassed the people . Shivaji was worried and unhappy . He wrote to his officers , " Send all the people below the Ghats , withdraw them to places of safety . Do not be lax in this . Visit every village work day and night . Find safe shelter for the people . If the Moghuls arrest my subjects , the sin will be on your head . " Shivaji loved his subjects as a mother loves her children .

   He did what was good : Shivaji cast away whatever was bad in the old system and set up new traditions . This was a special feature of his administrative machinery . In the old system , Deshmukhs , Deshpandes and Inamdars had the right to collect land revenue . They tried to collect the maximum revenue possible . This caused great hardship to the small peasant . Shivaji stopped this practice and collected a fixed revenue from each farmer . He meted out severe punishment to those officers who extorted additional revenue from the peasant . He also tried to put an end to the system of Watans . He thought it dangerous to Swaraj . He started the, system of paying all officers , from a Subhedar to a Kamavisdar junior officer ) , a fixed salary in cash .

Strict Discipline : Shivaji kept himself very well informed of all that went on in his Kingdom . He had a perfect espionage system . Treachery is always dangerous to any State . He laid down severe punishment to those guilty of treachery . He was a strict disciplinarian . His troops had orders not to trouble the subjects or extort money from them . Anyone who disobeyed suffered heavy punishment

Large - hearted Shivaji : Shivaji was as large - hearted and generous as he was brave . In the process of winning Swaraj , he collected around him persons belonging to all communities and appointed them to administrative posts . In doing this , he took into account a man's ability and not his religion or caste . There were many Kolis , Bhandaris and also Muslims in his Navy . Mahars and Ramoshis were also included . Many Brahmins and Prabhus were administrators under him . His army consisted of Hetkaris , Marathas and Muslims . Noor Beg was one of the Commanders in his infantry . One of his naval Commanders .. Daulatkhan Siddi Mistri and one of his Vakils , Kazi Haidar , were both Muslims . They were all loyal servants of Swaraj . Shivaji never desecrated mosques during his campaigns . If he came across a copy of the Quran Sharif , he would respectfully pass it on to the Muslims . He never touched the honour of women who fell into his hands in the course of battles .

Religious Tolerance : Shivaji showed respect for all religions . He never hated Muslims simply because they were Muslims . If a person who changed his religion wished to return to his original religion , Shivaji always helped him . His brother - in - law , Bajaji Naik Nimbalkar , was in the service of Adilshah of Bijapur . Adilshah made him accept the Muslim faith . Bajaji made Bijapur his home . He lacked for nothing but he was unhappy that he had changed his religion . One day he became a Hindu again . Instead of throwing him out as a convert , Shivaji welcomed him into the Hindu fold . The story of Netoji Palkar is similar . He was forced to become a Muslim but wished to return to his original faith . Shivaji helped him . It happened like this

Netoji Palkar : Netoji was one of the bravest of Shivaji's captains . He was Shivaji's right - hand man . People used to describe him as a second Shivaji . One day , being upset with Shivaji , Netoji joined the Moghuls . At about the time Shivaji returned from Agra , Netoji was arrested in the South by the Moghuls and sent to the Emperor . Aurangzeb sent him to Agra where he was forced to become a Muslim and thus Netoji Palkar became Mohamad Kulikhan . He took employment with the Emperor and showed remarkable valour during the Kabul campaign with the Emperor's troops . Ten years later he accompanied Dilerkhan to the South against Shivaji . Netoji , though now a Muslim , had not forgotten Shivaji or Maharashtra . He remembered the past . He was deeply moved . His love for his own country and religion returned . One day he deserted the Moghul Camp and walked straight to Shivaji and said , " It is true that I am Muslim convert but I want to return to my old religion . Could I become a Hindu again ? ” Shivaji said , “ Why not ? If you so desire , you can once again return to the Hindu fold . ” So Netoji begged of Shivaji to take him back into the Hindu religion . Shivaji called a meeting of the religious pandits and said to them , “ Netoji Palkar wants to return to the Hindu religion . I do not wish to interfere in religious matters but I think true religion consists in taking him back instead of closing our doors against him . " So Netoji became a Hindu again and served Swaraj for many years afterwards .


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