

India > 

India is a republic and the union territory of india, it includes all parts of the country. The
united state of India consists of more than 200 different districts with very small areas and
each district has two or three cities, one of them being Mumbai, Bengaluru and Delhi. It
contains an area of approximately 3bn sq. km. and its total area is close to 26m sq. km.,
including the national capital, New Delhi (India). A portion of the island nation lies on the
Indian Ocean and this includes Lakshadweep and the Maldives. India's landmass ranges
from some 300 million square kilometres to over 1,500 million square kilometres. In
addition to its large interior and expansive eastern borders, India's west border is shared
with Afghanistan via the Line of Control in the Himalayan region to Nepal. The Hindu Kush
ranges in size from 80.9 million sq. km. to about 180 million sq. km.

India has two official languages, Hindi and Malayalam, although both may be spoken in
Indian nations throughout history that have been conquered by different civilizations. In
India, Hindi is widely used as the language of the Constitution, executive laws, the formal
legal system, and trade policy for most citizens. Other official languages include Tamil,
Telugu, Kannada, Punjabi, Konkani, Assamese, Hindi, Marathi, French, Dutch and Spanish.
As a major and important part of Indian culture, Hindi has also developed into an empire of
modernity and refinement. There are at least 18 types of primary schools for schooling
children in India. After primary school education, students enter middle school (or pre-
university) and then high school (or upper secondary education), which is a program that
prepares students to work independently and make good career choices. Students are
enrolled from grades six through eight in various fields depending on their qualifications,
such as arts, commerce, engineering and humanities in particular. High school education
can extend up to 12 years. Secondary education requires students to study basic skills to
continue to develop into professionals, but they must also learn general literacy and
numeracy abilities to participate in other fields of economic activity. Secondary education
begins with grade seven through nine, where a student starts studying mathematics,
science, art and engineering, then moving onto social sciences with courses such as
chemistry, economics and political studies, philosophy and biology, and English studies.
From age 10 to twelve, students are exposed to basic literacy and numeracy skills and then
entered into higher education programs, including foreign universities' degree programs
and vocational training. At sixteen, students go back to graduate or postgraduate education,
depending on their chosen field and goals.

India has the sixth-highest number of university enrolments amongst economies
worldwide. It contains 4,895 universities and colleges, while in 2018, the number was
3,983. According to World Bank International Development Research Institute, India ranks
9th among world's fastest growing economies, trailing only Brazil, Canada and South Korea
in terms of enrollment growth. This growth comes from strong demand for public services
and infrastructure development, increased private investment and low levels of
unemployment. Among these, public infrastructural development ranked first. On the
contrary, lower enrollment rates are due to the low income of young people, high costs of
acquiring healthcare and lack of quality educational institutions. With increasing awareness of health care and access to pharmaceuticals, India has seen a rise in

India now boasts of 43 million active internet users across the whole year. That makes it
the 8th largest internet userbase in the world. To promote digital literacy, the ministry of
technology has made several initiatives to encourage use of e-literacy software and devices
to provide access to free information in the country. These include online learning
platforms like edx, which will help learners with assignments and exams. Also, edx was
recently launched in collaboration with the National Skill Development Corporation
(NSDC). Apart from offering new teaching platforms, India today has the second best rate
for mobile phone registration in the world. In 2017, the number fell to 64,788 from 81,984
in 2016, according to IDC report.

India is regarded as one of the countries with better educational system and its students
are highly prepared compared to the rest of Asia. India leads the global average for number
of universities, having the fourth highest number of university enrolment in the world. In
2015, India accounted for 38% of all university admissions. The average tuition fee paid is
Rs 25,000 and the average college fee charged is Rs 7,900. Students pay fees via
installments and interest charges on loans, along with payments in accordance with a
budget. Students need to take out loans using a loan repayment plan, which allows
borrowers to receive savings on interest rate and tuition fees. India provides numerous
international scholarships, including from UK Higher Education Commission, US
Department of State, USA Embassy and Indian American Foundation. In June 2012, the
government approved the concept of distance education, which offers flexibility and
convenience to students learning. By partnering with universities across the globe, the
objective of the project was to create a platform where students can choose to attend
classes via various modes of video conferencing or through remote learning options or
even on the computer. Distance education offers extensive, relevant knowledge and
experience gained through classroom interaction and also offers flexible scheduling
options. For instance as the government continues with the implementation of digitization
projects such as digital visas, which aim to streamline visas for employment opportunities,
India boasts of 643 lakh applicants annually. In 2017, the Ministry of Electronics and
Information Technology announced plans to introduce 'Internet Passport', a passport to
ensure safe travel in and around the world. Similarly, in November 2014, the Ministry of
Human Resource issued an advisory that seeks to facilitate domestic job market openings
on the basis of technology and human resource.

India has a well established medical system that is ranked 9th of all the world's hospitals.
Amongst other leading governments, India's government spends nearly 2% of GDP on
Health. Healthcare industry is ranked second by global standards after the United States.
When it comes to research, India has the third-largest funding and capacity for biomedical
research, after the United States and China. Medical science ranked second by global
standards following the United States, with $18 billion spent in 2013. India has the 13nd-
highest population with 16.6 million citizens. Around 35.5 percent of India's population is
below 15 years old, making it one of the oldest societies in the world. There are thousands
of indigenous tribes native to India which have contributed immensely to the country's
overall civilization since its foundation. Despite significant problems such as corruption and drug abuse, Indians continue to embrace diversity and continue to grow, despite it
being possible that the majority of people continue to resent Indians for the flaws in our
society. One of the biggest issues facing contemporary society is inequality. Between 2011
and 2015, the percentage of the lowest income group grew by more than 250%, while the
percentage of the top income group grew by less than 150%. Today, the gap between the
wealthy and poor is more pronounced than ever before. Due to this, India's economy faces
the risk of recession for the 21st century.

India hosts around 50% of the world's biodiversity, and almost 70% of it is found within
the biogeographic regions known as the Cenozoic, Mesogeographic and Paleocene and
Eocene, respectively. Another 40-40%. According to U.N. Food & Agriculture Organization,
India has the third-largest forest in the world, with an estimated area of 32.3 million
hectares (14% of the earth's surface, representing nearly 1% of the planet). Additionally,
there are 24% forest cover in India, which accounts for over 16.7 million hectares (8% of
the total land area), equivalent to 6.7% of the world's forests, which is equal to about
17,000 times greater than the remaining forests in the world. India's forestry sector, with a
market value of nearly $2.4 billion, represents 12.5% of the country's GDP, the fifth world's
sector. Forest research is conducted in India with support from the National Natural
Resources Conservation Board, an organization established in 1935 as the Council for
Scientific and Industrial Research. More than 2.5 billion cubic meters (55 billion cubic feet)
of forest has been cut down in India by 2020. India currently ranks second in the list of
countries with the greatest number of species of birds. In the same period, India has added
an additional 6,500 bird species. Among the newest additions to India's avifauna is the
monarch butterfly, a type of insect that originated in.


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