Promise of self-government

Temple of Rayareshwar: The temple of Rayareshwar, located southwest of Pune, was a beautiful place.  In the year 1645, something extraordinary happened.  Some Mavals from Shivrai and the surrounding valleys had gathered there for consultation.  In the temple of Rayareshwar, hidden in the bushes in that Kir forest, how did he get into trouble with Shivaraya?  What were the demands of Sreesankara?

Balshiva's brilliant voice: Shivrai was still very young, but his mind was big.  They had built a big ghat.  He said to his friends gathered in the temple, “Shall I tell you a story in my heart today?  Our father Shahaji Raje is the Sardar of Bijapur.  They have given us the right to land here.  It's all going well, but Gaddy, I'm not happy about that at all.  Should we be satisfied with the sultanate?  Should we drink water with the other hand?  There are many foreign kingdoms around us.  Similar wars are going on between them.  Our men die unnecessarily in this war.  Families of families go into exile.  Your head is dusty and what is your pastor even after suffering so much?  So slavery!  How many days do you have to endure this?  How long do you spend for another?  Tell me, you tell!  Do you want to continue like this due to greed for inheritance?  "Shivrai was talking passionately. His face was red with anger. As he was talking, the young Mavals gathered in Rayareshwar's temple stopped. They started looking at their young peers.  Tell us your mood.  We are on one footing to do what you say.  "Yes, King, we will do whatever you say!"  Give our lives too!  All those brilliant young heroes spoke in one voice.
Oath of Swarajya: Shivaraya was moved by these words of Mavalya.  Looking at each other, they said happily, “Gadyans!  Your way is done.  We all strived for our goal, we all ate, we were all ready to sacrifice our lives.  Our goal is 'Hindavi Swarajya'!  I want to establish an independent state of yours and mine.  No more slavery to strangers.  Arise, we will swear by witnessing this Rayareshwar.  We will now do our best for the establishment of Swarajya.  "All the temples began to revolve around Shivaraya's words." It is in Shri's mind that this state should be in the form of Hindavi Swarajya. Let us fulfill Shri's desire. "Shivaraya finally spoke with determination.  All the Mavals came out of the temple of Rayareshwar, carrying the mother of Swarajya.  Shivaraya's mind was uplifted.  As soon as he reached Pune, he went to Matoshri in Tadak Lal Mahal.  He told Jijabai about the incident.  That Mauli felt blessed.  He began to believe that he hoped that Balaraja would fulfill what he had taken.

Gathering in Maval Valley: Shivrai started his new business. He took the Mavals and started wielding his sword. He started his daily routine of horse racing, finding sidewalks in the mountains, looking for gorge ghats and ghats. Shivaraya won the hearts of the Mavals. The young Mavals became mad for Shivaraya. He started believing that he wanted to live for Shivaraya and die for Shivaraya. Now Shivaraya's movements were in full swing, as if the sea should be flooded. Shivaraya took a close look at all the forts and forts around Pune. Gained detailed information about burglaries, basements, cellars, ammunition, weapons and enemy bases.

Companions in Mavals: In twelve Mavals, some Deshmukh congregations were sitting in charge of their lands.  They had a strange greed for their land.  They quarreled among themselves for inheritance.  Recognizing that the power of the Marathas was being wasted in this quarrel, Shivaraya decided to curb it.  Shivrai visiting the villages of Deshmukh.  Putting their understanding. Overcoming them with the goal of Swarajya.  Shivaraya treated them with sweet words, but some scolded them.  He was also brought to Vathani by Shivaraya.  He stopped the quarrels between the Marathas.  Joe began to thank them.  Deshmukhs like Jhunjarrao Maral, Haibtrao Shilamkar, Baji Pasalkar, Vithoji Shitole, Jedhe, Paygude, Bandal etc. from Maval valley started obeying Shivaraya's word.  The horse race of Swarajya started in Mavala.

The royal seal of Shivaraya.  Jahagiri was started in the name of Shivaraya.  Shahaji Raja had made an independent seal of Shivaraya.  That posture is Pratipachandralekhev Vardhishnurvisvavandita.  Shahsuno: Shivasyaisha mudra bhadraya rajate.  The royal seal of Shivaji Raje, the son of Shahaji Raja, which grows like the crescent of Pratipada and becomes wild to Sanya Vishwa, is for the welfare of the people;  Saying this, the Rajmudra was a sign of the establishment of Swarajya.  At that time, Rajmudras were mostly engraved in Persian, but Shivaraya's mudras were in Sanskrit.  Swarajya wants Swabhasha, Swadharma wants.  Also, do not hate other religions.  It was immediately noticed by all the Mavals that Shivratri has started his administration only for the welfare of the people.


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