Showing posts with label The Vijayanagar And Bahmani Kingdoms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Vijayanagar And Bahmani Kingdoms. Show all posts

The Vijayanagar And Bahmani Kingdoms

 The Vijayanagar And Bahmani Kingdoms

The disintegration of the Tughlaq empire began during the reign of Muhammad Tughlaq . In the South , there were revolts against the central power of Delhi . From these revolts arose the formidable Vijaynagar and Bahamani kingdoms .

The Vijaynagar Kingdom

 Founding of the kingdom :

 The brothers Harihar and Bukka were serving the Sultanate of Delhi as sardars . During Muhammad Tughlaq's reign , there was political instability in the South . Taking advantage of this situation , Harihar and Bukka founded the kingdom of Vijaynagar in the South in AD 1336. Humpi was the capital of the kingdom . Harihar was the first king of Vijaynagar .

Expansion of the kingdom : 

During his reign , Harihar conquered the territories around the river Tungabhadra , parts of Konkan and the coastal regions of Malabar in Kerala . He had to fight against the Bahamani power .

Harihar was succeeded by his brother Bukka . Bukka brought the region up to Rameshwar under his control . The kings of Malabar and Sri Lanka accepted his overlordship.

Harihar II became the king after the death of Bukka . His General Gunda conquered the territories including Karwar , Mysore , Tiruchirapalli and Kanchi . There were constant conflicts between Vijaynagar and Bahamani kingdoms . Devraya I , the king of Vijaynagar , tried to improve the relations with the Bahamani kingdom , but he did not succeed in it .

Krishnadevraya : 

Krishnadevraya ascended the throne of Vijaynagar in AD 1509. He was the most capable king in the history of the Vijaynagar kingdom . Krishnadevraya defeated Gajapati Prataprudra , the king of Orissa , wrested Vijaywada and Rajmahendri from him and annexed them to his own kingdom . Krishnade vraya defeated the combined forces of the armies of the Sultans who had come together under the leadership of the Bahamani Sultan Mahmudshah . During Krishnadevraya's reign , the Vijaynagar kingdom extended from Cuttack in the east to Goa in the west and from the Raichur Doab in the north to the Indian Ocean in the south . He had cordial relations with the Portuguese on the west coast . Krishnadevraya died in AD 1530 .

Krishnadevraya was a great General . He used to inspect the battlefield at the end of every battle . He used to see that proper medical aid was made available to the injured soldiers . Due to this affection that Krishnadevraya had for his soldiers , they were loyal to him .

Krishnadevraya was himself a scholar . He wrote * Amuktamalyada ' , a Telugu compendium on polity . He was a connoisseur of music . He encouraged sculpture . During his period , the Hazar Ram temple and Vitthal temple of Vijaynagar were constructed . The sculptures in these temples are beautiful . The canopy in the Vitthal temple is unique . On the columns of this temple , sculptures of horse - riders have been carved . Krishnadevraya is described as a great and just ruler .

Agricultural policy : 

Krishnadevraya paid special attention to agriculture . It was a matter of great concern for him . He used to say that even if a region is small , it should have irrigation facilities such as lakes and canals . Therefore , he had lakes built at Anantsagaram , Kurwai , Vyasaraya Samudra , etc. He constructed a big dam at Korgal in Karnataka and dug a canal from it .

Krishnadevraya knew the importance of forests . He was keen on maintaining forests and extending there up to the boundaries of his kingdom .

The decline of the Vijaynagar kingdom began with the death of Krishnadevraya . In AD 1565 , at Talikot in the present State of Karnataka , there was a battle between Adilshahi , Nizamshahi , Qutubshahi , Baridshani on one side and Vijaynagar on the other . In this battle , Ramraya of Vijaynagar was defeated . Thereafter , the dominance of Vijaynagar came to an end .

The Bahamani Kingdom

 Founding of the kingdom :

 While Muhammad Tughlaq was still reigning , some of his sardars in the Deccan rose in rebellion against him . They captured the fort of Daulatabad . The leader of these sardars , Hasan Gangu , defeated the army of the Sultan of Delhi . A new kingdom , known as the Bahamani kingdom , came into existence in AD 1347. Hasan Gangu became the first Sultan of the Bahamani kingdom . He took on the title ' Alauddin Bahamanshah ' .

Expansion of the kingdom :

 Alauddin Bahamanshah made the city of Gulburga in Karnataka his capital . He conquered the territories of Bidar , Malkhd , Goa , Kolhapur , Telangana and Dabhol . After him , his son Muhammadshah I ascended the Bahamani throne . He continued the conflict with Vijaynagar and Warangal . Ahmedshah , who became the Sultan later , made Bidar his capital .