The Vijayanagar And Bahmani Kingdoms

 The Vijayanagar And Bahmani Kingdoms

The disintegration of the Tughlaq empire began during the reign of Muhammad Tughlaq . In the South , there were revolts against the central power of Delhi . From these revolts arose the formidable Vijaynagar and Bahamani kingdoms .

The Vijaynagar Kingdom

 Founding of the kingdom :

 The brothers Harihar and Bukka were serving the Sultanate of Delhi as sardars . During Muhammad Tughlaq's reign , there was political instability in the South . Taking advantage of this situation , Harihar and Bukka founded the kingdom of Vijaynagar in the South in AD 1336. Humpi was the capital of the kingdom . Harihar was the first king of Vijaynagar .

Expansion of the kingdom : 

During his reign , Harihar conquered the territories around the river Tungabhadra , parts of Konkan and the coastal regions of Malabar in Kerala . He had to fight against the Bahamani power .

Harihar was succeeded by his brother Bukka . Bukka brought the region up to Rameshwar under his control . The kings of Malabar and Sri Lanka accepted his overlordship.

Harihar II became the king after the death of Bukka . His General Gunda conquered the territories including Karwar , Mysore , Tiruchirapalli and Kanchi . There were constant conflicts between Vijaynagar and Bahamani kingdoms . Devraya I , the king of Vijaynagar , tried to improve the relations with the Bahamani kingdom , but he did not succeed in it .

Krishnadevraya : 

Krishnadevraya ascended the throne of Vijaynagar in AD 1509. He was the most capable king in the history of the Vijaynagar kingdom . Krishnadevraya defeated Gajapati Prataprudra , the king of Orissa , wrested Vijaywada and Rajmahendri from him and annexed them to his own kingdom . Krishnade vraya defeated the combined forces of the armies of the Sultans who had come together under the leadership of the Bahamani Sultan Mahmudshah . During Krishnadevraya's reign , the Vijaynagar kingdom extended from Cuttack in the east to Goa in the west and from the Raichur Doab in the north to the Indian Ocean in the south . He had cordial relations with the Portuguese on the west coast . Krishnadevraya died in AD 1530 .

Krishnadevraya was a great General . He used to inspect the battlefield at the end of every battle . He used to see that proper medical aid was made available to the injured soldiers . Due to this affection that Krishnadevraya had for his soldiers , they were loyal to him .

Krishnadevraya was himself a scholar . He wrote * Amuktamalyada ' , a Telugu compendium on polity . He was a connoisseur of music . He encouraged sculpture . During his period , the Hazar Ram temple and Vitthal temple of Vijaynagar were constructed . The sculptures in these temples are beautiful . The canopy in the Vitthal temple is unique . On the columns of this temple , sculptures of horse - riders have been carved . Krishnadevraya is described as a great and just ruler .

Agricultural policy : 

Krishnadevraya paid special attention to agriculture . It was a matter of great concern for him . He used to say that even if a region is small , it should have irrigation facilities such as lakes and canals . Therefore , he had lakes built at Anantsagaram , Kurwai , Vyasaraya Samudra , etc. He constructed a big dam at Korgal in Karnataka and dug a canal from it .

Krishnadevraya knew the importance of forests . He was keen on maintaining forests and extending there up to the boundaries of his kingdom .

The decline of the Vijaynagar kingdom began with the death of Krishnadevraya . In AD 1565 , at Talikot in the present State of Karnataka , there was a battle between Adilshahi , Nizamshahi , Qutubshahi , Baridshani on one side and Vijaynagar on the other . In this battle , Ramraya of Vijaynagar was defeated . Thereafter , the dominance of Vijaynagar came to an end .

The Bahamani Kingdom

 Founding of the kingdom :

 While Muhammad Tughlaq was still reigning , some of his sardars in the Deccan rose in rebellion against him . They captured the fort of Daulatabad . The leader of these sardars , Hasan Gangu , defeated the army of the Sultan of Delhi . A new kingdom , known as the Bahamani kingdom , came into existence in AD 1347. Hasan Gangu became the first Sultan of the Bahamani kingdom . He took on the title ' Alauddin Bahamanshah ' .

Expansion of the kingdom :

 Alauddin Bahamanshah made the city of Gulburga in Karnataka his capital . He conquered the territories of Bidar , Malkhd , Goa , Kolhapur , Telangana and Dabhol . After him , his son Muhammadshah I ascended the Bahamani throne . He continued the conflict with Vijaynagar and Warangal . Ahmedshah , who became the Sultan later , made Bidar his capital .


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