Showing posts with label The Life of the Ancient Man. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Life of the Ancient Man. Show all posts

The Life of the Ancient Man

 The Life of the Ancient Man

In the beginning , man lived in forests . He felt the need to protect himself from wild animals . Therefore , using his intelligence , he began to devise weapons out of wood , stone and bones . Of these , the stone tools were not perishable and they are found today on a large scale . This early period is therefore named as the ' Stone Age ' .

Many stone tools and weapons have been found in excavations . During the Stone Age , man steadily made progress in the technique of making tools and weapons . The Stone Age is divided into two periods - the Palaeolithic or the Old Stone Age and the Neolithic or the New Stone Age . The Neolithic Age began about ten thousand years ago . During this period , man learnt the technique of agriculture and domestication of animals . He also discovered metals . In the course of time , along with stone implements , he began to devise metal artefacts , too .


Man used to eat fruits , roots and flesh . He hunted small animals and also knew fishing . In the course of time , he learnt the use of fire for cooking food. 


Usually , it was men who went hunting and made tools and weapons . Women gathered fruits and roots , took care of the foodstuff and prepared food . Women learnt through observation that new plants sprout from seeds that fall on the ground . That is how agriculture - sowing and cultivating grains began in the Neolithic Age . Later , agriculture became the prime occupation of man .

Man cultivated cereals like rice , barley , wheat , bajra and jowar . He also cultivated legumes like peas , gram , green gram , lentil etc. He used stone or wooden hoes or stag horns to plough the land . Thus , man who was a food gatherer , became a producer of food . That is why human life became stable in the Neolithic Age .

Domestication of animals

Man began to keep herds of animals like cattle , goats , sheep , pigs and donkeys . He began to use animals for agriculture .

Technology of making weapons , tools and implements

Initially , man made his tools and weapons by chipping and cutting stones , bones and wood . Hand axes , cutting tools were the implements of the Stone Age man . Later , he began to make tools and weapons which had thin and straight blades . He used flint for this purpose . These tools were fitted with wooden or bone handles . These tools made various tasks possible . Sharp tools were used to tear the hide and pointed tools were used to make holes . Bones , fishbones , ivory , horns , etc were used for making needles , arrowheads , fish hooks and other implements .
Stone Age tools and weapons

Art and craft

Paintings made by the ancient man on the walls of caves have been found . Some of them depict scenes of hunting . We also find depictions of community dancing and of various animals .

Shells , conches , ivory , beads were used for making ornaments .

During the Neolithic Age , man began to make earthen or clay models of animals and human beings . It was during this period that man invented the wheel . The wheel was used for transport and for making earthen pots . The invention of the wheel accelerated the progress of mankind .

Ancient cave - painting - Bhimbetka

Village - settlement

Human life became stable during the Neolithic Age . People began to build their houses close together for the purpose of protection and convenience . This gave rise to ' village - settlements ' .

Emergence of of urban civilization

Besides agriculture , other occupations gradually emerged . Surplus of agricultural produce and other goods gave rise to trade . In places convenient for trade , towns developed . That is how the foundation of urban civilization was laid . Such urban civilizations arose on the banks of rivers . In India , urban civilization emerged in the Indus valley during this period . Urban civilizations also existed in the basins of the rivers Euphrates and Tigris in Asia and the Nile in Africa .