13 Facts About Digital Marketing That'll Make Your Hair Stand on End


Here are 13 interesting facts about digital marketing that might surprise you:

  1. The average person spends over 6 hours per day on the internet.

  2. Over 50% of global internet traffic comes from mobile devices.

  3. The average attention span of an internet user is just 8 seconds.

  4. Google processes over 3.5 billion searches per day.

  5. The average person spends over 2 hours on social media every day.

  6. Video content is expected to make up over 82% of all internet traffic by 2022.

  7. The average email open rate for small businesses is around 28%.

  8. The average conversion rate for e-commerce websites is around 2%.

  9. Personalization can increase email conversion rates by over 760%.

  10. Companies that prioritize customer experience see an average revenue increase of 15%.

  11. It is estimated that by 2025, the global e-commerce market will be worth over $6.5 trillion.

  12. The first banner ad was launched in 1994.

  13. The first social media platform, Six Degrees, was launched in 1997.

Overall, the digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving and there are many fascinating facts and statistics about the industry.


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