Showing posts with label The Third Battle of Panipat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Third Battle of Panipat. Show all posts

The Third Battle of Panipat

 The Third Battle of Panipat

Bajirao was succeeded by Balaji Bajirao alias Nanasaheb as Peshwa . Following the invasion of Nadirshah , there was instability in Delhi . In these circumstances , Nanasaheb tried to stabilize the Maratha rule in the North . Ahmadshah Abdali posed a challenge to the Marathas at Panipat . We shall learn about these developments in this lesson .

 Situation in the North : 

The Pathans who had migrated from Afghanistan had settled near Ayodhya at the foot of the Himalayas . These Pathans were known as the Rohillas . The region where they had settled , was known as Rohilkhand . The Rohillas had wrought havoc in the Doab region of the Ganga and Yamuna rivers . The Nawab of Ayodhya invited the Marathas to subdue the Rohillas . The Marathas chastised the Rohillas .

Conflict with the Afghans : 

Ahmadshah Abdali , the ruler of Afghanistan , was attracted by the riches of India . He conquered the Punjab in AD 1752. There was anarchy in the Mughal territory . The Mughals were facing the of Abdali's invasion . In these circumstances , the Mughals found it necessary for their own protection , to seek the help of the Marathas . Therefore , Safadarjung , the Nawab of Ayodhya , entered into a treaty with the Marathas on behalf of the Emperor . According to this treaty , the Marathas agreed to protect the Mughal power from enemies like the Rohillas , the Jats , the Rajputs and the Afghans . In return , the Marathas got the right to collect chauthai in the territories of the Punjab , Multan Rajputana , Sindh and Rohilkhand . 

Raghunathrao , brother of the Peshwa Nanasaheb , accompanied by Jayappa Shinde and Malharrao Holkar , undertook the campaign of North India . Mathura , near Delhi , was the seat of the Jat power where Surajmal Jat was the Chief . Raghunathrao attacked the territory of the Jats because of which , the Jats were hurt . 

After the death of Raja Sawai Jaysingh of Jaipur , there was a conflict among his sons for the throne of Jaipur . The Marathas intervened in this conflict . Therefore , the Rajputs were annoyed . As a result , the Jats and the Rajputs did not help the Marathas in the battle of Panipat .

Peshwa Nanasaheb

The Maratha standard on Attock : 

Najibkhan was a Rohilla chief . He found it hard to tolerate the Maratha supremacy in the North . At the behest of Najibkhan , Abdali invaded India again . He captured Delhi . He returned to Afghanistan with a huge booty . Raghunathrao and Malharrao Holkar marched to the North again . They captured Delhi . Then , driving out Abdali's officers , they captured the Punjab . The Marathas pursued Abdali's soldiers right up to Attock in AD 1758. The Maratha standard was raised at Attock . Attock is in present day Pakistan . From Attock , the Marathas pushed the campaign up to Peshawar . However , they did not make proper arrangements to look after this newly conquered territory .

Dattaji's valour : 

To get a firm hold over the Punjab and to crush Najibkhan , the Peshwa sent Dattaji Shinde and Janakoji Shinde to the North . Dattaji went to the North . Keeping him engaged in negotiations , Najibkhan established contacts with Abdali . He requested Abdali to come to his help . On receiving the message from Najibkhan , Abdali invaded India again . Dattaji and Abdali confronted each other at Buradi Ghat on the banks of the Yamuna . A fierce fight ensued . Dattaji showed tremendous valour . He met with a heroic death in this battle .

 Sadashivraobhau leaves for the North : 

Nanasaheb sent Sadashivraobhau to the North to crush Abdali . He had with him , a huge army and a powerful artillery . Ibrahimkhan Gardi was the Chief of the artillery . Vishwasrao , the eldest son of Nanasaheb , and many capable Maratha Sardars had joined this campaign .

The battle of Panipat : 

In his campaign of the North , Sadashivraobhau captured Delhi . The armies of the Marathas and Abdali confronted each other at Panipat . On 14 January 1761 , the Marathas opened the battle by attacking Abdali's army . Vishwasrao fell a victim to an enemy bullet . When Sadashivraobhau learnt this , he fiercely attacked the enemy in a frenzy . He disappeared in the battle fray . Seeing that their leader had disappeared , the Maratha soldiers lost courage . At that very moment , the reserve contingents of Abdali launched an attack on the Marathas with a fresh vigour . The Marathas were defeated . A whole generation of young men in Maharashtra was killed . Many brave Sardars fell on the battlefield . The Marathas believed that an outsider like Abdali had no moral right to rule here . The Marathas fought at Panipat with the broad perspective that India is for Indians .

Peshwa Madhavrao :

 After the death of Peshwa Nanasaheb , his son Madhavrao succeeded him to the office of the Peshwa . Madhavrao kept the Nizam and Haidar Ali at bay . He established the supremacy of the Marathas in the North again .

 After the defeat of the Marathas at Panipat , the Nizam once again resumed his anti - Maratha activities . He invaded the Maratha territory . Madhavrao defeated the Nizam at Rakshasbhuvan near Paithan . 

Displacing the king , Haidar Ali had usurped the throne of Mysore . Taking advantage of the Maratha defeat at Panipat , Haidar Ali attacked their territory in Karnataka . The Marathas defeated Haidar in a battle at Motitalao near Srirangapattan . He agreed to cede the region north of the river Tungabhadra to the Marathas .

The revival of the Maratha power : 

The Maratha prestige in the North had suffered a severe setback because of the debacle at Panipat . Madhavrao dispatched Mahadaji Shinde , Tukoji Holkar , Ramchandra Kanade and Visajipant Biniwale to re - establish the Maratha rule in the North . The Maratha army defeated the Jats , the Rohillas and the Rajputs . The Marathas restored the Emperor Shah Alam to the throne of Delhi under their own protection . The Maratha power was revived in the North . In this achievement , Mahadaji Shinde had the lion's share . 

Peshwa Madhavrao died in AD 1772. In the history of the Marathas , he is described as an honest , hard working , determined administrator who was keen on public welfare . Grant Duff spoke of him in the following words : ' The plains of Panipat were not more fatal to the Maratha Empire than the early end of this excellent Prince . The death of this capable Peshwa was an irreparable loss to the Maratha State .