Showing posts with label India during the Maurya Period. Show all posts
Showing posts with label India during the Maurya Period. Show all posts

India during the Maurya Period

 India during the Maurya Period

The Maurya period is an important epoch in Indian history . During the Maurya period , an empire under one sovereign was established in India for the first time . This gave rise to a stable administration .

After Alexander's death , the Greek officers declared the territories under their control to be independent States . A struggle for power ensued between them . In the Indian territories under Greek rule , there were rebellions against the Greeks . Chandragupta Maurya brought together the Indian kings in these regions and went to war against the Greeks . He defeated the Greeks and established peace in the north western part of India .

Chandragupta Maurya : 

Chandragupta Maurya was the founder of the Maurya empire . He brought to an end the oppressive rule of the Magadha king Dhanananda and established his own rule in Magadha . His rule extended up to Avanti in Madhya Pradesh and Saurashtra in the west. 

His capital was " Pataliputra ' or Patna of the present Bihar . When Seleucus Nicator , the Greek king of Babylon , invaded India , Chandragupta defeated him and annexed the regions of Kabul , Herat and Kandahar to the Maurya empire . Seleucus Nicator had sent his ambassador Megasthenes to Chandragupta's court . Megasthenes has written an account of contemporary India .

Towards the end of his life , Chandragupta renounced the throne . It is believed that he embraced the Jain religion . He the last days of his life at Shravan - belagola near Mysore , and died at that place . After his death , his son Bindusara became the king of Magadha . Bindusara was succeeded by his son Ashoka around 273 BC .

Emperor Ashoka : 

Ashoka was the Governor of the regions of Takshashila and Ujjayani . He crushed the revoltat Takshashila . From his inscriptions , it appears that he bore the title ' Devanam Priya , Priyadarshi Raja ' . Ashoka's empire extended over a vast territory that stretched up to the Bay of Bengal in the east , Nellore in the south , the Arabian Sea in the west , the river Kabul in the north - west and Nepal in the north .

The Kalinga war : 

Ashoka launched a campaign against Kalinga with a view to extending his empire . He won the war , but he was so moved by the terrible bloodshed that he decided never to launch any wars .

Emperor Ashoka was convinced that love is greater than war . To spread his teachings among the common people , Ashoka Ashoka erected pillar - edicts and stone inscriptions throughout his kingdom . Helaid stress on good conduct and respect towards one's elders . He also stressed the need to follow the principles of truth , non - violence , mercy , and kindness towards animals .

Ashoka's Pillar - Lauria Nandangarh

Spread of religion : 

Ashoka convened a grand religious council at Pataliputra to deliberate upon the tenets of Buddhism . A scheme was drawn up at this council for the spread of Buddhism . Accordingly , Ashoka sent a number of Buddhist monks to other countries outside India . He sent his own son Mahendra and daughter Sanghamitra to Sri Lanka to preach Buddhism . Emperor Ashoka respected all religions .

Public welfare activities : 

Emperor Ashoka did many things for the happiness and welfare of his subjects . He started hospitals to provide free medicines and medical treatment to people as well as animals . He also started the cultivation of useful medicinal plants . He built roads and dharma - shalas for the convenience of travellers . He had trees planted on both sides of the roads . He had sheds erected to provide drinking water to travellers . He also had many wells dug .

Administration during the Maurya period : 

The main functions of the king were to protect his people and to dispense justice .

The empire was divided into six divisions for the convenience of administration . The council which advised the king in matters of administration was known as the council of ministers or mantri - parishad . Officers were appointed to run the administration . The officer at the district level was known as Rajjuk , the one at the taluka level was Gop and the head of a village was Gramani . There was an efficient intelligence service to assist the mantri - parishad and the officers .

Life of the people during the Maurya period : 

During the Maurya period , life of the people depended on agriculture and was influenced by it . But other occupations also prospered . Production of glazed pottery was done on a large scale . Ship - building was also a large - scale industry . There were guilds of traders as also of people engaged in various occupations . These guilds were called shrenis . 

Several functions and festivals were celebrated for entertainment . There were dance and music concerts and wrestling competitions . Board games were popular . People played chess , too. 

Art and literature : 

Architecture and sculpture had advanced greatly in this period . During the reign of Emperor Ashoka , sculpture developed further . He erected many pillars , stupas and viharas . The dharma - chakra on the Sarnath pillar that he erected finds a place of honour on the Indian national flag today. 

During the Maurya period , along with Sanskrit , Prakrit languages like Pali and Ardhamagadhi were used by the people . Panini's * Ashtaddhyayi and Chanakya's ' Arthashastra are two of the renowned works of this time . It was during this period that the Buddhist work " Tipitaka ' ( Tripitaka ) was completed . Tipitaka includes compositions women of Bauddha Sanghas . These compositions together are known as ' Therigatha ' . of The " Jatak Katha ' based on the life of Gautama Buddha were written during this period .

Lion capital - Sarnath

The Maurya Emperors were great patrons of Indian arts . New avenues opened in the field of Indian art and culture during their regimes .